Research Article

Antisecretory and Spasmolytic Activities of Aqueous and Ethanolic Stem Bark Extracts of Nauclea diderrichii in Wistar Rats

Table 3

Effect of yohimbine and glibenclamide on antidiarrheal activity of aqueous extract of Nauclea diderrichii on castor oil-induced secretory diarrhea.

TreatmentsOnset (min)Total stool frequencyDiarrheal stool frequencyInhibition (%)

DW (Neu)
DW (Neg)ccc
Lop (Pos)100
AE 30084.42
GLIB (1 mg/kg)+AE 30049.91
YOHI (1 mg/kg)+AE 30081.24
GLIB (1 mg/kg)cc18.76
YOHI (1 mg/kg)28.14