Review Article

Liver Transplant Imaging prior to and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Table 1

Posttransplant checklist based on US findings.

LiverSize and volume
Focal lesions
Hepatic echogenicity and ecostructure

Hepatic arteryAnatomy
Patency and calibre
Parietal calcifications
Doppler wave in inspiration and after exhalation

Portal systemAnatomy
Patency and calibre
Doppler wave
Periportal oedema
Intraportal gas

Biliary systemAnatomy

Vascular/biliary anastomosesDetails of vascular/biliary anastomoses

SpleenSize and volume
Focal lesions
Splenic artery
Splenic vein

Lymph nodesPeriportal

Other findingsAscites
Pleural effusion (right)