Research Article

Delaying Onset of Dementia: Are Two Languages Enough?

Table 1

Means (and standard deviations) for background measures and age of onset of symptoms of dementia from the two Toronto studies.

Group Age at first appointmentaYears of educationMMSEbAge at onsetc

Study 1: [1]
Monolingual9175.4 (9.3)12.4 (3.8)21.3 (6.4)71.4 (9.6)
Bilingual9378.6 (8.4)10.8 (4.2)120.1 (7.1)75.5 (8.5)2

Study 2: [2]
Monolingual109 76.5 (10.0)12.6 (4.1)21.5 (5.7)72.6 (10.0)
Bilingual10280.8 (7.7)10.63 (5.1)20.4 (5.6)77.7 (7.9)4

Age at first visit to clinic, year.
bMMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination (first appointment); maximum score = 30.
cAge at which symptoms were first reported by family, year.
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