Clinical Study

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Address Mild Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Study

Table 3

Causes of exclusion in the screening phase.


MoCA1 > 2679.59%
Education level <4 years22.74%
Depressive symptoms (GDS-152 > 5)2534.25%
Effective bipolar disorder (SCID-DSM IV3)79.59%
Chronic benzodiazepine use11.37%
Sleep disorders45.48%
History of traumatic brain injury22.74%
Cerebral MRI4 disorders1520.55%
 Normal pressure hydrocephalus22.74%
 Lacunar infarct/ischemic stroke810.96%
 Frontoparietal meningioma11.37%
 Cerebellar cyst11.37%
 Frontal granuloma11.37%
 Hemorrhagic lesion11.37%
 Frontal lobe atrophy11.37%
Mild AD534.11%
Parkinson disease34.11%
Frontotemporal dementia11.37%

MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment; 2GDS-15: 15-items Geriatric Depression Scale; 3SCID: Structured Clinical Interview for Axis I Disorders-Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition; 4MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; 5AD: Alzheimer’s disease.