Review Article

Recent Insights on Prevalence and Corelations of Hypoactive Delirium

Table 3

HD in patients with hip fractures.

Study, mean age in yearsDiagnosis of deliriumSubtypingSummary of findings

van Munster et al., 2009 [32]62,
CAM, DOS, DRS-R-98DSIDelirium subtype was specified in 34 delirious patients. 11.8% HD
No significant difference in S100B protein or Neuron Specific Enolase levels was seen between delirium subtypes. There were no differences in cognitive impairment among different subtype delirious patients

Lundström et al., 2012 [33]129,
MMSE, OBS scaleOBS scale22% HD in dementia patients
41% HD in nondementia patients
No differences in mortality between delirium subtypes during hospitalization and at one-year follow-up

Slor et al., 2013 [34]42,
87.6 for HD patients
CAM, MMSEDRS-R-9816.7% predominantly HD. 36.7% had a variable profile. Delirium subtype at these assessments was hypoactive in 25% of cases (28 out of 112 assessments)

Slor et al., 2014 [35]46,

CAM: Confusion Assessment Method.
OBS scale: Organic Brain Syndrome scale.
DMSS: Delirium Motor Subtype Scale.
DSI: Delirium Symptom Interview.
DOS: Delirium Observation Screening.
MMSE: Minimental State Examination.
DRS-R-98: Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98.
HD: hypoactive delirium.