Research Article

The Effect of Task-Irrelevant Fearful-Face Distractor on Working Memory Processing in Mild Cognitive Impairment versus Healthy Controls: An Exploratory fMRI Study in Female Participants

Table 3

Summary of findings for interactions of loading and emotion between groups.

MNI coordinates ()SideAreaBdmn value value

Main effect of loading
244RSuperior parietal75010.360.002
36RAnterior cingulate32718.970.004
2RAnterior cingulate248.070.006

Interaction: group by loading
1236RPrecentral gyrus61210.240.002
250LAnterior cingulate10288.330.005

Interaction: group by emotion
1368LAnterior cingulate322312.220.001
24230RMiddle frontal gyrus461710.670.002
35434LSuperior frontal96010.010.002

Interaction: group by loading by emotion
11238RMedial frontal gyrus104810.440.002
2185214RSuperior frontal10619.700.003
124822RSuperior frontal98.590.004
224220RSuperior frontal107.430.008
3420LAnterior cingulate378.690.004
522LMedial frontal gyrus108.400.005

Brain areas and corresponding Brodmann (Bdmn) regions are listed for activation peaks at significance level of minimum 10 voxels per cluster (), , for each between-group analysis. L: left; R: right.