Review Article

Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis and Cognition: A Review of Clinical, Neuropsychologic, and Neuroradiologic Features

Table 3

Neuropsychological tests.

Neuropsychological testCognitive domain

WISC-R (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children)IQ (intelligence quotient)

SRT-LTS (Selective Reminding Test-Long-Term Storage)
SRT-CLTR (Selective Reminding Test-Consistent Long-Term Retrieval)
SRT-D (Selective Reminding Test-Delayed)
SPART (Spatial Recall Test)
SPART-D (Spatial Recall Test-Delayed)

MCST (Modified Card Sorting Test)Abstract/conceptual reasoning

SDMT (Symbol Digit Modalities Test)
TMT-A/ B (Trail Making Test A/B)

SVFT (Semantic Verbal Fluency Test)
PVFT (Phonemic Verbal Fluency Test)
IPT (Indication of Pictures Test)
PCT (Phrase Comprehension Test)
Token Test
ODT (Oral Denomination Test)