Research Article

Visuoperceptual Impairment in Children with NF1: From Early Visual Processing to Procedural Strategies

Table 2

Description and comparisons of the group performance on the RCFT.

NF1 mean (SD)S mean (SD)TD mean (SD)One-way ANOVAOne-way ANOVA controlling for strategy
valuePost hoc tests§
Post hoc tests
valuePost hoc tests
Post hoc tests

RCFT (-score)
Copy-1.90 (1.89)-0.32 (0.95)-0.38 (1.41)6.5630.0033.1760.050
Immediate recall-1.53 (0.96)-0.41 (1.10)-0.28 (1.06)7.8480.0013.8690.028
Delay recall-1.63 (0.88)-0.35 (1.10)-0.37 (0.81)8.6190.0014.9750.011
Recognition-0.18 (0.96)-0.31 (1.10)0.05 (1.45)0.4020.671n.s.n.s.0.3880.680n.s.n.s.

Legend. NF1: neurofibromatosis type 1; S: siblings; TD: typically developing children; RCFT: Rey Complex Figure Test. values of 0.05 or lower are considered significant. §Post hoc Bonferroni correction.