Research Article

A Bioinformatics Analysis Reveals a Group of MocR Bacterial Transcriptional Regulators Linked to a Family of Genes Coding for Membrane Proteins

Figure 9

Multiple alignments of the promoter regions of the YczR regulons. Multiple alignments of the promoter regions of the YczR regulons from the Mycobacteriaceae (a) and Streptomycetaceae (b) subgroups of Actinobacteria. The DNA regions corresponding to the candidate TFBSs are highlighted by orange boxes, and the arrows indicate the direction of repeats (right for direct and left for inverted repeats). Columns are colored according to the ClustalX scheme. At the bottom of the alignments, logo of the sequences indicates the conservation of a nucleotide in the corresponding position. When more than 50% of aligned sequences have the same nucleotide in that position, the relative one-letter code is reported in the consensus row, while “+” is reported in all the other cases. For easing the interpretation of alignments, only the regions encompassing the putative TFBSs are shown.