Research Article

Crystal Structures of Two Isozymes of Citrate Synthase from Sulfolobus tokodaii Strain 7

Table 1

Data collection and final refinement statistics.


Data collection
 Wavelength (Å)1.01.0
 Resolution (Å)30.3–2.054.2–2.7
 Data completion (%) (outer shell)95.4 (97.1)99.8 (99.9)
 Number of unique reflections5769422985
(%) (outer shell)8.0 (19.8)9.7 (47.0)
 Space groupP21P41212
 Unit cell (Å)
 Resolution limit (Å)14.79–2.343.0–2.7
 Number of protein atoms59943044
 Number of water molecules34740
(%) (outer shell)19.121.7
(%) (outer shell)23.024.6
 r.m.s. deviation of bond length (Å)0.0060.007
 r.m.s. deviation of bond angle (°)0.701.00
 Estimated error from Luzzati plot (Å)0.210.33

/, where is the intensity of an individual reflection and is the mean intensity obtained from multiple observations of symmetry related reflections.
/ (9.2% randomly omitted reflections were used for calculation of ).