Clinical Study

Electrical Muscle Stimulation: An Effective Form of Exercise and Early Mobilization to Preserve Muscle Strength in Critically Ill Patients

Table 2

MRC scores of all the upper and lower extremities’ movements (median (25th–75th percentiles)). values refer to between-group comparisons for each movement.

EMS groupControl group

Left side
 Shoulder abduction4 (4-5)4 (4-5)0.41
 Forearm flexion5 (4-5)4 (4-5)0.26
 Wrist flexion5 (5-5)5 (4-5)0.03
 Hip flexion4 (4-5)4 (3–5)0.05
 Knee extension5 (5-5)4 (3–5)<0.01
 Ankle dorsiflexion5 (5-5)5 (4-5)0.04
 Upper extremities (in total)14 (12–15)13 (11–15)0.16
 Lower extremities (in total)14 (13–15)12 (10–15)0.02

Right side
 Shoulder abduction4 (4-5)4 (3–5)0.36
 Forearm flexion5 (4-5)4 (4-5)0.19
 Wrist flexion5 (5-5)5 (3–5)0.04
 Hip flexion5 (4-5)4 (3–5)0.04
 Knee extension5 (5-5)4 (3–5)<0.01
 Ankle dorsiflexion5 (4-5)5 (4-5)0.07
 Upper extremities (in total)14 (13–15)13 (10–15)0.17
 Lower extremities (in total)15 (13–15)13 (10–14)0.02

EMS: electrical muscle stimulation.