Review Article

The Use of Sodium Bicarbonate in the Treatment of Acidosis in Sepsis: A Literature Update on a Long Term Debate

Table 2

Laboratory studies evaluating bicarbonate administration in sepsis or acidosis. Studies are listed in chronological order, based on year of publication.

ReferenceCountry, yearStudy designResults

Garella et al. [14]Providence, RI, USA, 1973156 dogs, low, normal, or high bicarbonate concentrationPreexisting plasma bicarbonate concentration influences the apparent bicarbonate volume of distribution

Arieff et al. [16]San Francisco, USA, 1982 Dogs with phenformin-induced lactic acidosisBicarbonate reduced portal vein blood flow, cardiac output, and pH in liver and erythrocytes

Benjamin et al. [17]New York, USA, 1994Experimental hemorrhagic shock in dogs, compared bicarbonate versus hypertonic saline versus CarbicarbBicarbonate moderately increased blood pressure, cardiac index, oxygen delivery, and oxygen consumption but not better than hypertonic saline

Goldsmith et al. [18]London, UK, 1997Human leukocytes in vitroSodium bicarbonate caused intracellular acidification

Levraut et al. [19]Nice, France, 2001Human hepatocytes in vitroSodium bicarbonate decreases intracellular pH, and intracellular pH changes are linked to pCO2 in surrounding fluid

Nielsen et al. [20]Copenhagen, Denmark, 200231P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy in skeletal muscle of healthy subjectsBicarbonate administration attenuated the reduction of intracellular muscle pH

Valenza et al. [15]Milan, Italy, 201232 Sprague Dawley rats in four groupsBicarbonate corrected acidosis in normoxic, normotensive rats, but effects of bicarbonate on pH different in rats receiving transient versus persistent lactic acid infusion