Research Article

Can Diaphragm Dysfunction Be Reliably Evaluated with Pocket-Sized Ultrasound Devices in Intensive Care Unit?

Table 1

Demographics of the patients.

N = 39
Gender, F/M (n)18/21
Age (yrs)66 ± 18
BMI (kg/m2)28 ± 6
Mechanical ventilation, n (%)19 (48%)
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation, n (%)10 (26%)
No ventilation, n (%)10 (26%)
Admission diagnosis
Pulmonary, n38
COPD attack, n21
Cardiac, n20
Sepsis, n15
Renal, n14
Neurologic, n7
Gastroenterologic, n4
Endocrine metabolic, n4
Mortality10 (26%)

N, n: number; F: female; M: male; yrs: years; BMI: Body Mass Index; kg/m2: kilogram per square meter; APACHE-II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Score.