Research Article

Using pCO2 Gap in the Differential Diagnosis of Hyperlactatemia Outside the Context of Sepsis: A Physiological Review and Case Series

Table 1

Case series of patients with different causes of elevated lactate.

CaseLac (a) (mmol/L)SaO2 (%)ScvO2 (%)pCO2 gap (kPa)RERType of lactic acidosis and timing of diagnosisEvidence for classifying hyperlactataemia as either A or B

#13.499681.021.86A—a posterioriPeroperative finding
#25.399711.061.58A—a posterioriPeroperative finding
#37.2100581.382.5A—a prioriConsensus of clinicians
#417.099790.371.14B—a prioriConsensus of clinicians
#57.494760.300.78B—a posterioriConsensus of clinicians
#612.899720.300.71B—a posterioriConsensus of clinicians

Note: Lac a = lactate (arterial); RER = respiratory exchange ratio calculated as per equation (5).