Research Article

“Getting Ready for School:” A Preliminary Evaluation of a Parent-Focused School-Readiness Program

Table 5

Multivariate General Linear Model showing the hypothesized overall time * group interactiona.

Effect Partial Eta squaredSig.

Between subjectsIntercept5.6000.4630.000
Group (GRS versus Comparison)1.4090.1780.236
Within subjectsTime (pre versus post)2.0550.2400.081
Time * age1.5180.1890.198
Time * group2.5150.2790.037

aTo test the hypothesis that children whose parents received the GRS intervention would improve more over time relative to children whose parents received business-as-usual involvement at Head Start, a multivariate repeated measures General Linear Model was run, with scores on all six pre- and posttests entered as the dependent variables, with time entered as the within-group variable (2 levels: pre and post), with intervention group entered as the between-group variable (2 levels: intervention and comparison), and with age at pretest entered as a covariate. As predicted, a significant time * group interaction was found, suggesting that, overall, children in the intervention group improved more than children in the comparison group ( (6, 39) = 2.5; ).