Research Article

Early Vocabulary Development in Rural and Urban Mozambique

Table 4

The Mozambican CDI word list.

English Portuguese Changana Ronga

Bird Ave Nyanyana Nyanyana
Dog Cão Mdzáná Mdzáná
Goat Gabrito Mbútí Mbútí
Chicken Galinha Húkú Húkú
Ox Bois Homu Homu
Rat Rato Kondlo Khondlo
Car Carro Mohva Mohva
Carry-cloth Neneca Beleca Beleca
Ball Bola Bóla Bóla
Water jug Bidon de agua Xigubugubu Xigubugubu
Doll Boneca Xibonécani Xibonécani
Bread Pão Pawa Pawu
Sweets Doces Docane Docane
Rice Arroz Mpunga Mpunga
Biscuit/cookie Biscuito Xi bubutela/buláti/
Xi bubutela/buláti/bulaxa
Tea Cha Txána Txána
Polenta-like food Xima Uswa Uswha
Cap/hat Chapéu Xidhloko Xilembe
Trousers Calças Bulúkú Bulúkú
Shoe Sapato Xifamba Xifambu
Shirt Camisa Hémbe Hémbe
Eye Olho Tíhlo/mahlu Tíhlo/mahlu
Head Cabeza Nhloko Nhloko
Leg Perna Nengue Nengue
Nose Nariz Nhómpfú Nhómpfú
Tooth Dente Tínyó Tínyó
Chair Cadeira Xitsámú/xitulu Xithrámú/xistulu
Sofa/couch Sofa Stofada/sofa Stofada/sofa
Toilet Casa de banho Xikóti Xikóti
Table Mesa Méza/tafula Méza/tafula
Cell phone Cel Celula fone Fone
Blanket Manta Vóló Gúmana/volo
Bottle Garafa Bolhela Bolhela
Cup/glass Copo Copo/biquiri Copo/biquiri/xikire
Plate Prato Paratu Paratu
Lamp/candle Vela Khandlelo/lampu Khandlelo/lampu
Radio Radio Radio Radio
Spoon Colher Xipúnú Xipúnú
Stick Bastão Nhóngá Nhóngá
Home Em casa Káyá Káyá
Sun Sol Mumú Mumú
Outside Fora Handle Handle
Tree Árvore Nsínya Nsínya
Rain Chuva Mpfúlá Mpfúlá
Dirt/soil Areia Misává Misává
Water Agua Mati Mati
Friend Amigo Munghanu Munghanu
Girl (teenage) Menina N'hwanyana N'hwanyana
Grandmother Vovo Kokwana/vovo Kokwana/vovo
Mother Mamai/mãe Mamana Mamana
to bathe Tomar banho Ku -thlamba Ku -thlamba
Leave it Deixe Tsika Tsika
Welcome Bem vindo Hóyohóyo Hóyohóyo
See you tomorrow Até a manha Tapuxani Tapuxani/até mudzuku
Now! Agora! Svósvi Svósvi
Wait Espera Nyímá Nyímá
Go! Vai! Famba! Famba!
Eat! Come! Ku -dla/dlana! Ku -dla/dlana!
To finish Acabar Ku -héta Ku -héta/ku -héla
To bring Trazer/traga Ku -vúyísá Ku -búyísá
To fall Cair Ku -wa Ku -wa
To kick Pontape Ku -mutapí Ku -mutapí
To hug Abraçar Ku -xinga Ku -xíngárhéla
To push Empurrar Ku -chova Ku -chova
To sing Cantar Ku -nyimbelela Ku nyimbelela
Night Noite Wusíkú Wusíkú
Today Hoje Namúnlha Namúnlha
All gone Acabou Hi mbetile Hi mbelile
Big Grande -Kulu -Kulu
Broken Quebrado -Tshova -Trhova/'-trhoveka
Shiny Brilhante -Phatima -Phatima
Fast Rapido -Kahlula -Kahlula
Hunger Fome Ndlala Ndlala
Pretty Beleza -Xonga -Xonga
Hard Duro -Dziva -Tíyá/-tíyélá
I Eu Mina Mine
You Tu Wena Wene
How Como Ndjani Yíní
Who Quem -Mání -Mání
Long/far away Longe Kule Kule
Inside Dentro Ndzeni Ndzeni
Other Outro -Nwána -N'wána
Many/much Muito -Nyingi -Nyingi
Wheelbarrow Carrinho de mão Escarinyana Escarinyana
Meat Carne Nyama Nyama
Ear Orelha Ndlevé Ndlevé
Arm Braço Vókó Vókó
Bed Cama Mubéde Mubéde
Wind Vento Móyá Móyá
Cloud Nuvem Refu Refu
Heaven Céu Tilo Tilo
Goodbye Adeus Salani Hambanini!
Thank you Obrigado Khanímámbu!/ni khensile/inkomu/ni bongile Khanímámbu!/ni khensile/inkomu/ni bongile
To chase Perseguir Ku -tshatsha Ku -tshatcha
To listen Escutar Ku -yingisa Ku -yingisa
To drink Beber Ku -phusa Ku -nwá
To think Pensar Ku -pimisa Ku -pimisa/ku yanakanya
Strong Forte -Ntamu -Ntamu
Hot Quente -Hísá -Hísá
Small Pequeno -Tsóngó -Tsóngó
After Depois/atras Ndzaku Ntrhákú
Them Eles Vona Wone
This Este/esta/isto Lexi Lexi
Us Nós Hina Hine
Where Onde Kwíni Kwíní
Below/under Debaixo Hánsí Hánsí
If/when Se/quando/enquanto Loko Loko

Notes. A dash before the Changana and Ronga entries indicates these entries are suffixes. The prefix “Ku” indicates the infinitives of verbs. Acute accents are used to indicate high tones in the vowels.