Research Article

Maternal Reading Self-Efficacy Associated with Perceived Barriers to Reading

Table 4

Reading self-efficacy predicting reason that makes it hard to read (OLS).

Mother-centered barriersChild-centered barriers aTotal barriers
  (SE)  (SE)  (SE)

Maternal reading self-efficacy−0.25** (0.08)−0.33*** (0.08)−0.33*** (0.08)

Note: Standard errors are in parentheses; standardized regression coefficients are displayed; covariates include receipt of public assistance, married/living as married, prenatal substance use, education, race, and mother's age; the singular structural barrier was not included because it is a dichotomous variable; ** < 0.01; *** < 0.001.
aTotal barriers include mother-centered, child-centered, and the singular structural barrier.