Clinical Study

High-Dose Interleukin-2 (HD IL-2) Therapy Should Be Considered for Treatment of Patients with Melanoma Brain Metastases

Table 1

Patient characteristics (sites of metastasis, disease response, and duration of survival).

PatientNo. of brain lesions at diagnosis of brain metastasesExtracranial sites of metastasisIntracranial responseExtracranial responseGlobal responseDuration of survival
from HD IL-2 initiation
Duration of survival from diagnosis of brain metastases (months)

12Subcutaneous lesionsUndocumented progressionProgressionProgression6.77.4
21 None at start of HD IL-2
(small bowel mets s/p resection)
31 Lungsn/a
(complete radiosurgical response of solitary brain met)
Partial response
(residual lung lesions resected)
Surgical complete response19.023.7
43Muscles, retrocrural soft tissueProgressionStable diseaseProgression13.315.2
53 Pulmonary soft tissue, LNs, liver, kidney, prostate, and bonesProgressionMixed responseProgression18.219.6
6 15–20 Lung (multiple), paraspinal musclesPartial responseMixed responseProgression5.3 5.4
71Lung (multiple), mediastinum,
soft tissue, kidney, spleen, LNs, and bones
Undocumented progressionProgressionProgression2.1 5.1
87 Hilum, lungs, pulm. soft tissue, and adrenal glandsProgressionProgressionProgression3.0 4.7