Clinical Study

Use of Lipid-Lowering Medications and the Likelihood of Achieving Optimal LDL-Cholesterol Goals in Coronary Artery Disease Patients

Table 2

Patients attaining an LDL-cholesterol of <70 mg/dL according to their lipid lowering medications.

Lipid-lowering medicationsPatientsLDL (mg/dL)Patients attaining LDL <70

All Patients995082.0 ± 29.23555 (36%)
Statin monotherapy588579.8 ± 26.52174 (37%)
High potency169281.4 ± 27.0559 (33%)
Moderate potency239878.7 ± 26.7946 (39%)
Low potency179579.8 ± 25.7669 (37%)
Combination therapy*27301119 (41%)
Any statin plus ezetimibe137879.0 ± 28.6559 (41%)
Any statin plus niacin86674.1 ± 24.7396 (46%)
Any statin plus fibrate65081.3 ± 27.6224 (35%)
No statin133599.9 ± 35.7262 (20%)
No statin but other lipid-lowering therapy38970 (18%)
Ezetimibe179107.1 ± 33.120 (11%)
Niacin11396.3 ± 36.023 (20%)
Fibrate17094.3 ± 35.139 (23%)
No lipid-lowering therapy94699.5 ± 35.5192 (20%)

*Among patients on a statin plus another lipid-lowering drug 276 patients were on more than one non-statin lipid-lowering drug.
Among patients on no statin but another lipid-lowering drug, 121 patients were on more than one non-statin lipid-lowering drug.
LDL-cholesterol values are expressed as mean ± SD.