Review Article

On the Use of EEG or MEG Brain Imaging Tools in Neuromarketing Research

Figure 4

(a) The two scalp maps in figure represent the Z score distribution for the theta (left) and alpha band (right) in the population analyzed. Z values are mapped onto a realistic scalp model, seen from a frontal perspective. Colorbar codes scalp areas in which the LIKE spectral activity is greater than the DISLIKE (red) and regions in which the DISLIKE spectral activity is greater than the LIKE (blue). Grey indicates regions with no difference between the two experimental conditions, reproduced with permission from [42]. (b) Electroencephalography trace of emotional response. In version 1, only the model’s face was presented; conversely, in version 2, the viewers saw her face from a slightly different angle (for 2.5 s), and then she made a particular manual gesture (for 1.5 s), reproduced with permission from [43].