Review Article

Incident Duration Modeling Using Flexible Parametric Hazard-Based Models

Table 2

Candidate variables.


Temporal characteristics
 Peak hourBinary variable: 1: peak hours (7:00–9:00 and 17:00–19:00); 0: nonpeak hours
 Day first shiftBinary variable: 1: 22:00–6:00; 0: 6:00–22:00
 WeekdayBinary variable: 1: weekday; 0: weekend
 SeasonCategorical variable: 1: spring (reference in estimation), 2: summer, 3: autumn, and 4: winter
Incident characteristics
 Incident typeCategorical variable: 1: more common crash (reference in estimation), 2: rear-end crash, 3: crash involving pedestrian or bicycle, 4: collision with stationary object, 5: overturned vehicle, and 6: others
 Treatment typeBinary variable: 1: resolved by police, 0: resolved by drivers involved in incident
 Number of vehicles involvedBinary variable: 1: 1 or 2, 0: greater than 2
 TaxiBinary variable: 1: incident involving taxi; 0: no taxi
 BusBinary variable: 1: incident involving bus; 0: no bus
 TruckCategorical variable: 1: incident involving small truck, 2: incident involving large truck, 0: no truck (reference in estimation)
Geographic characteristics
 DistanceContinuous variable: distance from city center, unit: km
 CongestionBinary variable: 1: congested traffic condition, 0: noncongested traffic condition
 Preparation timeContinuous variable for travel time and clearance time analysis
 Travel timeContinuous variable for clearance time analysis