Research Article

A Tensor-Product-Kernel Framework for Multiscale Neural Activity Decoding and Control

Figure 9

Neural responses to natural and virtual touches for touch on digit 1 (d1), along with the microstimulation corresponding to the virtual touches. Each of the four subfigures corresponds to a different segment of the continuous recording. In each subfigure, the timing of the touches, spatiotemporal pattern of spike trains and LFPs are shown in the top two panels; the bottom panel shows the spatiotemporal pattern of microstimulation, where different colors represent different microstimulation channels. The neural responses are time-locked, but not concurrently recorded, as the entire natural touch response is given as input to the controller which generates the optimized microstimulation patterns. When the optimized microstimulation is applied in the VPL, it generates S1 neural responses that qualitatively match the natural, that is, the target, response.