Research Article

PLAT: An Automated Fault and Behavioural Anomaly Detection Tool for PLC Controlled Manufacturing Systems

Algorithm 1

Transition time clustering algorithm (CS-means algorithm with HAC).
() Inputs: Time_Array, ,
   % The transition time instances are stored in Time_Array; (>1) is the
   initial number of clusters (set by the user and will be the same for all the
   transitions); and is the total number of transition time instances %
() Outputs: Clus_Avg , Clus_Max, Clus_Prob,
   % Clus_Avg stores the mean values of the clusters (average transition
   times); Clus_Max stores the highest-valued instance of each cluster
   (maximum transition times); Clus_Prob stores the support of each cluster
   (transition time probabilities); and is the final number of clusters %
() declare and initialize Clus_Avg, Clus_Max and Clus_Prob
   % all the arrays are filled with zeros %
() call function  Introsort(Time_Array)    % apply Introsort algorithm to sort Time_Array  %
   % code for single cluster %
() if (Time_Array  −  Time_Array) < (user-defined) threshold  value
()   for   to   do
()     Clus_Avg = Clus_Avg + Time_Array;
    end for
()   if  Clus_Avg  then
()     Clus_Avg = Clus_Avg; Clus_Max = Time_Array;
()   Clus_Prob; ;
   % code for (probable) multiple clusters %
() else
()   declare and initialize Gap_Val[], Pos and
   % Gap_Val and Pos are filled with −1’s; Gap_Val keeps track of
   the () largest “GAP”s in the sorted number line (or Time_Array);
   Pos stores the corresponding array positions (ending points of clusters or “breaks”);
   and (>0) is a small integer number (user-defined) %
()   for   to   do
()     var gap = (Time_Array  −  Time_Array/(Time_Array;
   % calculate GAP between two instances; var implies Temporary Variable %
()     var min = Gap_Val; var minIndex = 0;
()     for   to   do
()       if  Gap_Val < min  then
()         min = Gap_Val; minIndex = ;
      end for
()     if  gap > min  then
()       Gap_ValminIndex = gap; PosminIndex = ;
     end for
()   call function  Introsort(Pos)  % apply Introsort() to sort Pos  %
   % split the array into partitions (based on sorted () positions in Pos);
   then, calculate the mean of each partition and store them in Clus_Avg  %
()   for   to   do
()     var temp1 = −1; var temp2 = −1;
()     if    then
()      temp1 = 0; temp2 = Pos;
()     else if    then
()      temp1 = Pos; temp2 = Pos;
()     else
()      temp1 = Pos; temp2 = ;
()     for   = temp1 to temp2  do
()       Clus_Avg = Clus_Avg + Time_Array;
      end for
()     if  Clus_Avg  then
()      Clus_Avg = Clus_Avg/(temp2 − temp1 + 1);
     end for
   % pass the newly calculated mean values (stored in Clus_Avg) as the
   initial cluster centers to the (traditional) -means algorithm %
()   call function  _Means_Algorithm(Time_Array, , , Clus_Avg, Pos);
     % Apply HAC algorithm to merge the clusters whose centers are not far away
   (in a user-defined way) from each other %
()   call function  HAC_Algorithm(Time_Array, , , Pos, Clus_Avg, Clus_Max, Clus_Prob);
   % the average and maximum transition times of the clusters and their corresponding
   probabilities can be found in Clus_Avg, Clus_Max and
   Clus_Prob, respectively from 0th to ()th  ⁢position  %
() Save the clustering results into the file and Exit the procedure