Research Article

PLAT: An Automated Fault and Behavioural Anomaly Detection Tool for PLC Controlled Manufacturing Systems

Table 4

Fault and behavioural anomaly detection result.

PLAT toolFault or behavioural anomaly descriptionFaulty or erroneous transitionExpected transition/sAffected device

1The sensor signal PRT_CHK of the Part Loader (PrtLDR) is turned ON while the Part Loader (PrtLDR) is returning back to its home positionPrtLDR-ADV_OFF → PrtLDR-PRT_CHK_ONPrtLDR-ADV_OFF → PrtLDR-RET_ONPart Loader (PrtLDR)

2The sensor signal OpSen1 of the Daecha Clamp (DCLAMP) is permanently turned ON while Robot 1 (RBT1) is picking up the part from the Part Loader (PrtLDR)
the sensor input will always be 1 even if the left clamp is not opened

3The actuator related to the signal OPEN of the Daecha Clamp (DCLAMP) is decelerated while the clamps are being openedDCLAMP-OPEN_ON → DCLAMP-ClsSenl_OFFNot applicable [transition time error has occurred]
Expected (maximum) transition time: 0.03 and observed transition time: 2.11 (in seconds)
Daecha Clamp (DCLAMP)

4The sensor signal 1ST_WORK_COMP of Robot 1 (RBT1) is turned OFF while Robot 1 (RBT1) is transferring the part to the Daecha (DCHA)RBT1-PRT_MOVE_ON → RBT1-1ST_WORK_COMP_OFFRBT 1-PRT_MOVE_ON → RBT1-2ND_WORK_COMP_ONRobot 1 (RBT1)

5The actuator related to the signal FORWARD of the Part Loader (PrtLDR) is deactivated while the part is being loaded to the Part Loader (PrtLDR)
if an actuator is deactivated then the corresponding mechanical operation cannot be carried out
The subsystem has stopped working [PLAT has already waited for 180 seconds]Last observed signal state: PrtLDR-FORWARD_ONPart Loader (PrtLDR)

6Seven parts are presented to the system with interval of (approximately) thirty seconds and twenty-three parts are presented to the system with interval of (approximately) sixty seconds [the periodic checking of the probability values is done after every thirty group cycles]PrtLDR-BACKWARD_OFF → PrtLDR-PRT_CHK_ONNot applicable [transition time probability error has occurred]
Expected probabilities: 0.47 and 0.52 and observed probabilities: 0.20 and 0.79
Part Loader (PrtLDR)

7The sensor signal RET of the Part Loader (PrtLDR) is turned OFF while the Part Loader (PrtLDR) is in its home position [during the first group cycle]PrtLDR-RET_ON → PrtLDR-RET_OFFPrtLDR-RET_ON → PrtLDR-BACKWARD_OFF
Part Loader (PrtLDR)

8The sensor signal HOME_POS of Robot 1 (RBT1) is turned ON while Robot 1 (RBT1) is placing the part to the Daecha (DCHA)RBT1-2ND_WORK_COMP_ON → RBT1-HOME_POS_ONRBT1-2ND_WORK_COMP_ON → RBT1-PRT_MOVE_OFFRobot 1 (RBT1)

9The actuator related to the signal BACKWARD of the Part Loader (PrtLDR) is decelerated while the Part Loader (PrtLDR) is returning back to its home positionPrtLDR-BACKWARD_ON → PrtLDR-ADV_OFFNot applicable [transition time error has occurred]
Expected (maximum) transition time: 0.04; and observed transition time: 2.57 (in seconds)
Part Loader (PrtLDR)

10The sensor signal ClsSenl of the Daecha Clamp (DCLAMP) is deactivated while the Part Loader (PrtLDR) is proceeding towards its advanced position if a sensor is deactivated then it is not able to send any further input value to the PLC controllerDCLAMP-OpSen2_OFF → DCLAMP-ClsSen2_ONDCLAMP-OpSen2_OFF → DCLAMP-ClsSenl_ONDaecha Clamp (DCLAMP)

11The actuator related to the signal PRT_PICK of Robot 1 (RBT1) is deactivated while Daecha (DCHA) is returning back to its home positionThe subsystem has stopped working [PLAT has waited for 180 seconds]Last observed signal state: RBT1-PRT_PICK_ONRobot 1 (RBT1)

12The actuator related to the signal PRT_MOVE of Robot 1 (RBT1) is decelerated while Robot 1 (RBT1) is loading the part to the Daecha (DCHA)RBT 1-PRT_MOVE_ON → RBT1-2ND_WORK_COMP_ONNot applicable [transition time error has occurred]
Expected (maximum) transition time: 16.01; and observed transition time: 24.56 (in seconds)
Robot 1 (RBT1)

In this table, the arrow symbol (→) represents the signal-state transition; and rows numbers 3, 6, 9, and 12 are the examples of behavioural anomalies others are the examples of faults.
A transition time error occurs if any transition takes longer time than the following: (its corresponding maximum transition time + user-defined threshold value Δ).
Δ = 1.5 if Max_Time ≤ 15; Δ = 3 if Max_Time > 15 and ≤ 30; Δ = 4 if Max_Time > 30 Max Time: maximum transition time; all the times are given in seconds.
A transition time probability error occurs if significant changes (i.e., the changes greater than 0.15) in the transition time probabilities associated with a transition take place.
The name of the “Affected Device” can easily be determined from the name of signal-states associated with the faulty/erroneous transition (this column is continually updated based on the propagation of the fault/behavioural anomaly).