Research Article

Tracking Algorithm of Multiple Pedestrians Based on Particle Filters in Video Sequences

Algorithm 1

The entire algorithmic process.
Detection of pedestrians
    (1.1) Perform frame difference and obtain object region;
    (1.2) Build a pedestrian detector using HOG descriptors and SVM;
    (1.3) Detect pedestrians in each frame;
    (1.4) Extract priori knowledge of pedestrians;
 End for
    (1.5) Perform superpixel segmentation according to object region of the last frame;
    (1.6) Obtain confidence map according to (2);
    (1.7) Do random sampling for object confidence map and obtain object;
    (1.8) Update priori knowledge for each object;
 End for
Particle filter tracking
 For object =
    (2.1) Initialize particle state distribution ;
    (2.2) Set initial weight value of feature information ;
 End For
  For target =
    (2.3) Important sampling step
    Propagate and get new particles using (4);
    (2.4) Update the weights
    Compute the observation likelihood function and for each particle using (7);
    Update weight value of features information using (9);
    End if
  End For
 End For
    (2.5) State estimation
    Estimate the object state