Research Article

A Robust Shape Reconstruction Method for Facial Feature Point Detection

Pseudocode 1

Pseudocode of our proposed regression-based method.
Input: Training set images and corresponding shapes:
set images and corresponding initial shapes: and . Sparse
coding parameters set: , , size of and size of . Total iterations .
Output: Final face shapes .
Training Stage:
for from to , do
  step 1: Given and , obtain . Then extract from .
  step 2: Sequentially get , and using Equations (11).
  step 3: Get using Equation (12).
end for
Training Model: and .
Testing Stage:
for from to , do
  step 1: Similarly, extract on .
  step 2: Given and , calculate using Equation (14).
  step 3: Obtain using Equation (13).
end for