Research Article

Constructing Temporally Extended Actions through Incremental Community Detection

Algorithm 2

Option learning with evolving communities.
(1)  Initial condition: learning agent with primitive options
(2)Start option generation;
(3)  while true do
(4)   Sampling trajectories;
(5)   if condition for option discovery is met then
(6)    Use Louvain algorithm to detect communities;
(7)    Construct options from communities, having their and specified;
(8)    Take ER to form options’ internal policies ;
(9)    Add options to set;
(10)   break;
(11)Start learning;
(12) while not converged do
(13)  Perform Intra-Option Learning with the current option sets;
(14)  if reaches incremental processing cycle then
(15)    Call Algorithm 1 to update communities;
(16)    Reconstruct options from updated communities;
(17)    for reconstructed options, previous options do
(18)     if and then
(20)    Take ER to improve options’ internal policies ;
(21)    Add updated options to set.