Research Article

A Modified Sine-Cosine Algorithm Based on Neighborhood Search and Greedy Levy Mutation

Algorithm 3

Algorithm 3 is the pseudocode of the improved sine-cosine algorithm based on the greedy levy variation.
Set the initial parameters, including the total population size n, the maximum number of
generations N_iter, control parameter a, , , , and et al.
Generate a population .
Calculate the fitness and find the best solution of the population.
for t=1: N_iter
Calculate the value of according to Eq.(4).
Calculate the value of according to Eq.(5).
for i=1:n
for j=1:d
Generate a rand .
end if
end for
Cross-border processing for.
Calculate the fitness .
end if
end for
Perform the improved sine-cosine algorithm based on the greedy levy
variation(described in Algorithm 2).
end for
Output the best solution .