Research Article

Automated Text Analysis Based on Skip-Gram Model for Food Evaluation in Predicting Consumer Acceptance

Algorithm 2

Algorithm for relationship analysis.
Algorithm. Relationship_Analysis(cluster_corpus, taste_words, n)
Input: List cluster_corpus and taste_words of n integers.
//cluster_corpus have three types: “powder soup sauce” cluster words, “noodle” cluster words and
//“soup” cluster words and n is number of words in taste_words
Output: List Result of similarities between cluster corpus and taste words
// Result is a list with taste words and similarities of cluster words
    cluster_vector VectorRepresentation(cluster_corpus)
    // converting to representation vector
    for 0 to
      taste_vector word2vec(taste_words[i])
      similarity cosine_similarity(taste_vector, taste) //compute similarity
      Result.insert(taste, similarity)
    return Result