Research Article

A Selective Biogeography-Based Optimizer Considering Resource Allocation for Large-Scale Global Optimization

Algorithm 1

One generation of the canonical BBO algorithm, where N is the population size, Hk is the kth candidate solution, H is the entire solution, Hk(SIV) is the feature of Hk, z is a temporal solution, ub and lb are upper and lower bound of the search space, respectively.
(1)For each Hk, calculate emigration rate μk according to equation (2), set immigration probability λk = 1 − μk
(2)End for
(3)For each solution Hk, k ∈ [1, N], do
(4)For each solution feature SIV, do
(5)  Use λk to decide whether or not to immigrate;
(6)   If immigration, do
(7)    z = Hk;
(8)    Use to select the emigration solution Hj (j ≠ k);
(9)    z(SIV) ⟵ Hj(SIV);
(10)   End if
(11)End for
(12)  Decide whether or not to mutate
(13)   If mutation, do
(14)    z ⟵ lb + (ub − lb). rand
(15)   End if
(16)End for