Research Article

A Multistrategy Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Enlightened by Variable Neighborhood Search

Algorithm 2

The framework of ABCVNS.
(1)Generate an initial population according to Algorithm1
(2)Predefine the related parameters, i.e., and
(4)Let // represent the iterative variable
(5)Let // represents the index of the chosen search strategy from the first strategy candidate pool
(6)Let // represents the number of the chosen search strategy from the second strategy candidate pool
(7)while do
(8)//the employed bees phase
(9)for to do
(10)  Let
(11)if then
(13)end if
(14)if then
(15)  //Choose the first search strategy
(16)  Produce an individual using equation (8)
(18)  //Choose the second search strategy
(19)  Produce an individual in the light of equation (9)
(20)end if
(21) Deal with boundary constraints according to equation (6)
(22)if then
(23)  Substitute with && reset
(25)  Let
(26)  Let
(27)end if
(28) Let
(29)end for
(30)Compute using equation (4)
(31)//the onlooker bee phase
(32)Set and
(33)while do
(34) //ξ is a function for producing a random number in [0,1)
(35)if then
(36)  Let and
(37)  if then
(39)  end if
(40)  if then
(41)   //Select the first search strategy
(42)   Produce an individual using equation (8)
(43)  else
(44)   //Choose the second search strategy
(45)   Generate a new individual according to equation (9)
(46)  end if
(47)  Handle boundary constraints according to equation (6)
(48)  if then
(49)   Substitute with and let
(50)  else
(51)   Set
(52)   Set //Change the number of the search strategy
(53)  end if
(54)  Set
(55)end if
(56) Set
(57)if then .
(58)end while
(59)//the scout bee phase
(60)if limit  then
(61)if then
(62)  //Choose the 1st strategy from the 2nd search strategy candidate pool
(63)  Produce an individual according to equation (5)
(65)  //Choose the 2nd search strategy from the 2nd search strategy candidate pool
(66)  Produce an individual according to equation (7)
(67)end if
(68)if then
(69)  Let
(70)  if then
(72)  end if
(73)end if
(74) Substitute with
(75) Let and
(76)end if
(77)Memorize the best individual found up to now
(78)end while