Research Article

Solving the Manufacturing Cell Design Problem through Binary Cat Swarm Optimization with Dynamic Mixture Ratios

Algorithm 1

Binary Cat Swarm Algorithm.
(1)Create C cats
(2)Randomly initialize cat position values with values between 1 and 0
(3)Initialize velocities and flag of each cat;
(4)while (i< NumberIterations) do
(5)  Evaluate cats according to fitness function
(6)  Store the position of the best cat, which has best fitness
(7)for (x = 1 to C) do
(8)   if (randomNumber < MixtureRatio) then
(9)    Apply seeking mode process to catx
(10)   else
(11)    Apply tracing mode process to catx
(12)   end if
(13)  Evaluate new solution, update values
(14)   end for
(15)end while
(16)Postprocess results and visualization.