Research Article

Impact of Speller Size on a Visual P300 Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) System under Two Conditions of Constraint for Eye Movement

Table 7

Subjects’ distribution for each dimension.

DimensionOvert attentionStatistics (Fisher’s exact test)Covert attentionStatistics (Fisher’s exact test)

Favourite1633F = 6.337; 5 (42%)3 (25%)4 (33%)F = 13.715;
22371 (8%)3 (25%)8 67%)
34626 (50%)6 (50%)0 (0%)
Complex11 (8%)5 (42%)6 (50%)F = 13.715; 552F = 4.042;
22 (17%)6 (50%)4 (33%)354
39 (75%)1 (8%)2 (17%)426
Comfortable18 (67%)0 (0%)4 (33%)F = 19.358; 7 (58%)0 (0%)5 (42%)F = 13.577;
20 (0%)9 (75%)3 (25%)1 (8%)8 (67%)3 (25%)
34 (33%)3 (25%)5 (42%)4 (33%)4 (33%)4 (33%)
Stressful16 (50%)1 (8%)5 (42%)F = 13.715; 732F = 7.359;
20 (0%)8 (67%)4 (33%)165
36 (50%)3 (25%)3 (25%)435
Controllable1624F = 6.24; 444F = 6.913;
Tiring12 (17%)3 (25%)7 (58%)F = 21.288; 4 (33%)3 (25%)5 (42%)F = 10.804;
21 (8%)9 (75%)2 (17%)1 (8%)8 (67%)3 (25%)
39 (75%)0 (0%)3 (25%)7 (58%)1 (8%)4 (33%)

Percentages are indicated for those dimensions with significant differences. Ranks are ordered as follows: rank 1, the least; rank 2, intermediate; and rank 3, the most. Significant results have been denoted in bold.