Review Article

A Systematic and Meta-Analysis Survey of Whale Optimization Algorithm

Table 7

Summary of the 25 CEC2005 test functions.

No.FunctionsDSearch range

Unimodal benchmark functions (5)
1Shifted sphere function−45010, 30, 50[−100, 100]
2Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2−45010, 30, 50[−100, 100]
3Shifted rotated high conditioned elliptic function−45010, 30, 50[−100, 100]
4Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2 with noise in fitness−45010, 30, 50[−100, 100]
5Schwefel’s problem 2.6 with global optimum on bounds−31010, 30, 50[−100, 100]
Multimodal functions Basic functions (7)
6Shifted Rosenbrock’s function39010, 30, 50[−100, 100]
7Shifted rotated Griewank function without bounds−18010, 30, 50[0, 600]
8Shifted rotated Ackley’s function with global optimum on bounds−14010, 30, 50[−32, 32]
9Shifted Rastrigin’s function−33010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
10Shifted rotated Rastrigin’s function−33010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
11Shifted rotated weierstrass function9010, 30, 50[−0.5, 0.5]
12Schwefel’s problem 2.13−46010, 30, 50[−π, π]
Expanded functions (2)
13Expanded extended Griewank plus Rosenbrock’s function (F8F2)−13010, 30, 50[−3, 1]
14Shifted rotated expanded Scaffer’s F6−30010, 30, 50[−100, 100]
Hybrid composition functions (11)
15Hybrid composition function12010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
16Rotated hybrid composition function12010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
17Rotated hybrid composition function with noise in fitness12010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
18Rotated hybrid composition function1010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
19Rotated hybrid composition function with a narrow basin for the global optimum1010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
20Rotated hybrid composition function with the global optimum on the bounds1010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
21Rotated hybrid composition function36010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
22Rotated hybrid composition function with high condition number matrix36010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
23Noncontinuous rotated hybrid composition function36010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
24Rotated hybrid composition function26010, 30, 50[−5, 5]
25Rotated hybrid composition function without bounds26010, 30, 50[2, 5]