Research Article

Efficient Deep Learning Architecture for Detection and Recognition of Thyroid Nodules

Algorithm 1

K-means get anchor box.
Input: gtbox, K.
gtbox is a set of ground truth boxes. gtbox = {gtbox(1), ..., gtbox(n)}. gtbox(i) = (i, hi), ∀I ∈ [1, n]
Output: C, abox.
C = {C1, ..., CK} represents the cluster center coordinates of K categories, respectively. abox is a set of K boxes of anchor boxes. abox = {abox1, ..., gtboxk}. aboxk = (k, hk), ∀k ∈ [1, K]
(1)for k = 0 − > K do
(2)C < −Random(CK)
(3)end for
(4)/NewC = {NewC1, ..., NewCK} represents the updated cluster center coordinates of K categories, respectively./
(5)NewC < −NULL
(6)while NewC ! = C do
(7)for i = 0 − > n do
(8)  μ(i) = arg min d(getbox(i)-CK)/μ = μ(1), ..., μ(n) is the index of the cluster center closest to gtbox(i)/
(9)end for
(10)for k = 0− > K do
(12)  Ck < −NewCk
(13)end for
(14)end while
(15)abox < −C
(16)return C, abox