Research Article

Computer-Aided Diagnostics of Heart Disease Risk Prediction Using Boosting Support Vector Machine

Table 4

Performances of different methods on Cleveland datasets.

AuthorMethodAccuracy (%)

Mirza et al. [31]RBFSVM87.114
Amen et al. [32]Logistics regression82
Sajja et al. [33]SVM92–94
Waris & Koteeswaran [34]Novel KNN93
Gupta et al. [35]Naive Bayes88.16
Saini et al. [36]Hybrid classifier with weighted voting (HCWV)82.54
Abdeldjouad et al. [37]GFS-logicboost-C94.17
Motarwar et al. [38]AdaBoost80.32
Alotaibi [39]Decision tree93.19
Gupta et al. [40]Ensemble of Naïve Bayes, AdaBoost, and boosted tree87.97
Proposed methodBoosting SVM99.92