Research Article

Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Traveling Salesman Problem considering the Express Lockers Using Attention Route Planning Network

Table 1

Sets, params, and variables.

Indices and sets
Distribution center
Trips the courier visits in the planning horizon
Express lockers
State of parcels
Customers request home-delivery
Customers using express lockers
Set of customers request home-delivery
Set of customers belonging to locker u
Set of customer nodes
Set of the distribution center and customers who request home-delivery and locker points

Transport time when a courier visits from point to
Capacity of the vehicle
Capacity of the express locker
Speed of customers who use express lockers to pickup parcels from the locker
Speed of customers who use express lockers to deliver parcels to the locker
Number of parcels the courier delivers to point in trip
Number of parcels the courier picks up at point in trip

Discrete variables
Number of state parcels customers delivering to locker in trip
Number of state parcels the courier picking up at point in trip
Number of state parcels the courier delivering to point in trip
Lost sale when customers want to deliver parcels to locker in trip but fail
Back order when courier wants to deliver parcels to locker in trip but fails
Lost sale when customer requests home-delivery to deliver parcels in trip but fails
Number of parcels in the vehicle when the courier arrives at point in trip
Number of state parcels in locker when the courier arrives in trip
Arrive time when the courier visits point in trip

Decision variables
Whether trip passes the arc