Research Article

[Retracted] Gender-Based Deep Learning Firefly Optimization Method for Test Data Generation

Algorithm 1

The pseudo code of Gen-DLFA.
(1)Initialize the parameters of algorithm;
(2)Initialize firefly population randomly as in (1);
(3)Calculate brightness of each firefly according to fitness function;
(4)while (iterator < maxGen){
(5)  for the male firefly :
(6) for to
(7)   Select a female randomly from female subgroup
(8)    if is brighter than
(9)     move to as in (8);
(10)     update the position of
(11)    End if;
(12) End for;
(13) construct general center firefly of male subgroup as in (9);
(14) conduct deep learning of general center firefly as in (10);
(15) for the female firefly :
(16) for to
(17)   if general center firefly is brighter than
(18)     move to general center according as in (11);
(19)     update the position of ;
(20)   else
(21)     conduct cauchy mutation of as in (12);
(22)     update the position of ;
(23)    End if;
(24) End for;
(25) rank the firefly population and find the best solution ;
(26) for to k
(27)   implement chaotic search near to get
(28)    if ( is brighter than )
(29)     ;
(30)    End if;
(31)  End for;
(32) output the ;
(33) iterator++;
(34)End while;