Research Article

Prediction of Heart Disease Using a Combination of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Table 1

Summary of the literature review.

1Gárate-Escamila et al. [38]2020DNN and ANN were used with the X ^ 2 statistical model. The clinical data parameters were used for conforming the predictions.
2Harvard Medical School [37]2020Hungarian-Cleveland datasets were used for predicting heart disease using different machine learning classifiers and PCA was used for dimensionality reduction and feature selection
3Zhang et al. [25]2018AdaBoost classifier with PCA combination was used for the feature extraction and the accuracy of the prediction was increased
4Singh et al. [20]2018Heart rate variability was for the detection of coronary artery disease. Fisher method and generalised discriminant analysis with binary classifiers were used for the detection of important features.
5Chen et al. [16]2018A subspace feature clustering was used as a subset of stratified feature clustering and for doing a feature reduction of the clusters formed
6Yang and Nataliani [15]2018A fuzzy clustering method especially fuzzy c-means was used for various feature weighted methods and features were reduced
7Kumar [32]2017Different machine learning algorithms were applied for getting the results and then compared with each other
8Rajagopal and Ranganathan [24]2017Combination of probabilistic neural network classifier, PCA, kernel PCA, and unsupervised dimensionality reduction was used so that feature reduction can be used and a domain expert was used for the correct analysis of the result
9Zhang et al. [10]2017Support vector machine is used for the classification purpose of the clinical data which is matched with the codes of New York heart association; further findings are left for other researchers
10Khan and Quadri [31]2016The main aim of this research was to summarize the best model and angiographic disease status by analyzing different unstructured data and using data mining techniques
11Negi et al. [26]2016Uncorrelated linear discriminant analysis with PCA was used for studying the electrocardiogram and Wilson methods were also used for the distinction of upper limb motions
12Dun et al. [19]2016They applied a variety of deep learning techniques and ensemble techniques and also performed hyperparameter tuning techniques for increasing the accuracy.
13Rahhal et al. [8]2016ECG approach is used by consulting various domain experts and then MIT-BIH arrhythmia database as well as two other databases called INCART and SVDB, respectively
14Imani and Ghassemian [17]2015There are several times when the data is not enough, so Imani approached a weighted training sample method including feature extraction for the spatial dimension of the images and the accuracy was increased
15Guidi et al. [9]2014Neural networks, SVM, and fuzzy system approach are used and Random Forest is used as a classifier, for the prediction of heart failure by using a clinical decision support system
16Santhanam and Ephzibah [36]2013A regression technique with PCA with its different versions like PCA1, PCA2, PCA3, and PCA4 was used and the features were extracted and the results were promising
17Ratnasari et al. [29]2013The datasets used were Cleveland–Hungarian dataset and the UCI machine learning datasets were analyzed with feature selection techniques
18Kamencay et al. [28]2013Object recognition was performed with scale-invariant feature transformation. Caltech 101 database was used for the evaluation purpose.
19Melillo et al. [7]2013Two public Holster databases were used for finding high-risk and low-risk patients. Cart algorithm is applied for the classification purpose.
20Amma [35]2012The dataset used was from University of California, Irvine. The genetic algorithm was used for the training purpose and neural network for the classification purpose.
21Keogh and Mueen [12]2012How to break the curse of dimensionality using PCA, SVM, and other classifiers and reduce features.
22Parthiban and Srivatsa [11]2012Diabetes is one of the main causes of heart disease. The classifiers used are Naïve Bayes and SVM for extracting important features and classification purpose.
23Srinivas et al. [34]2010Prediction of heart diseases in the coal mines was the prime consideration, and decision tree, naïve Bayes, and neural networks were used for the classification
24Das et al. [33]2009On Cleveland dataset, using a SAS-based software, a great accuracy was achieved with different ensemble techniques
25Yaghouby et al. [21]2009Cardiac arrhythmias was considered using the MIT-BIH database. HRV similar to [20] was used.
26Asl et al. [22]2008Generalised discriminant analysis and SVM were used for feature reduction and classification
27Avendaño-Valencia et al. [27]2009Feature extraction was based upon the heart murmur frequency with time representation frequency and PCA was used for the analysis of the features
28Guyon et al. [23]2008Book for doing feature extraction efficiently.
29UCI Machine Learning Repository [30]1998This dataset is used for many ML and deep learning benchmark results
30Liu and Motoda [18]1998Feature importance and how to select them appropriately was discussed in this book
31Wettschereck et al. [14]1997K-NN algorithm was used for the classification as they are mostly the derivatives for the lazy learning algorithms for the feature selection using weighted methods
32Wettschereck and Dietterich [13]1995Different classification problems decision boundaries were analyzed, and the problem was tackled using nested generalized example