Research Article

[Retracted] An Intelligent Mechanism for COVID-19 Emergency Resource Coordination and Follow-Up Response

Table 2

Relationship and function formula of variables.

formula 1: Close contacts = INTEG (close contact rate)Formula 7: The number of cure = INTEG (recovery rate 1 + recovery rate 2)Formula 13: Incidence rate = (Diagnosed patients/T2)

Formula 2: Vulnerable population = INTEG (susceptibility rate − infection rates)Formula 8: The number of deaths = INTEG (mortality rate)Formula 14: Rate of severe = (0.15 Patients with mild disease/T3 − 0.8vaccination 0.15 patients with mild/T3)

Formula 3: Latent patients = INTEG (infection rates − Diagnosed patients)Formula 9: Close contact rate = (contact number/diagnostic rate)Formula 15: Recovery rate 1 = (Patients with mild diseaseCoefficient of cure 1/T4)

Formula 4: Diagnosed patients = INTEG (diagnostic rate − incidence rate)Formula 10: Susceptibility rate = (0.5 Close contacts)Formula 16: Recovery rate 2 = (critically ill patientsCoefficient of cure 2/T5)

Formula 5: Patients with mild disease = INTEG (incidence rate − recovery rate 1 − rate of severe)Formula 11: Infection rates = (contact number Transmission coefficient vulnerable population Diagnosed patients/Total number-0.8 vaccination Transmission coefficient Contact numbervulnerable population Diagnosed patients/Total number)Formula 17: Mortality rate = (critically ill patients Coefficient of death/T6 − 0.6 vaccination critically ill patients/T6)

Formula 6: Critically ill patients = INTEG (rate of severe − recovery rate 2 − mortality rate)Formula 12: Diagnostic rate = (Latent patients/T1)Formula 18: Total number = (The number of cure + vulnerable population + the number of deaths)

Constants: transmission coefficient (C1 = 0.24), number of contacts (C2 = 8), vaccination (C3 = 0.8), coefficient of cure 1 (C4 = 0.8), coefficient of cure 2 (C5 = 0.6), coefficient of death (C6 = 0.15), T1–T6. All data are set based on real data.