Research Article

[Retracted] GRUBin: Time-Series Forecasting-Based Efficient Garbage Monitoring and Management System for Smart Cities

Algorithm 1

Efficient routing protocol for temporal ranked stations.
Step 0: Start
Step 1: Init Graph G (V, E), V timestamp rank, E spatial distance (u, v)
Step 2: for V in G (V, E): distance[v] INF prev[v] NAN add to Q(2.1): dist[source] 0(2.2): while len(Q) 0:(2.3):  u V vertex in Q with min(distance[u])(2.4):  for n Neighbor of u in Q:(2.5):   alt_path distance[u] + len(e E)(2.6):   if alt_path distance[v]:(2.7):    distance[v] alt_path(2.8):    prev[v] u
Step 3: return distance[], prev[]