Research Article

Medical Intelligent System and Orthopedic Clinical Nursing Based on Graph Partition Sampling Algorithm

Table 1

Authority management test process.

Test functionTest inputExpected outcome

Add roleAdd 3 existing role information in the system; 3 role information with incomplete information; 3 existing role information in the system; directly save once without filling in any information;The role list shows that there is no role information in the 3 systems just added, the newly added role with incomplete information will give a “Incomplete information” prompt, and the newly added system will prompt “the role already exists,” do not fill in the information to save the prompt required fields

Rights profileSelect an existing role, associate several permission function points for the role, and test 10 timesUsers associated with the role can operate the functions corresponding to the permissions configured for the role, but cannot operate the functions corresponding to the unconfigured permissions

Search roleEnter the role name 3 times, enter 2 other search termsOnly the role information that meets the search criteria is displayed in the role information table

Modify selected roleThe role information is modified 3 times normally, all fields are blank when one modification is made, and some fields are blank when one modification is madeNormal modification succeeds in modifying the information of the role. When modifying, if the field is left blank, the corresponding required field will be prompted

Delete selected roleSelect an existing role, delete the role, test 5 timesThe selected role was deleted successfully