Research Article

A Method of Planning Disaster Emergency Rescue Paths in Road-Free Environment

Table 3

The calculation steps of the improved Aāˆ— algorithm.

The process for the improved Aāˆ— algorithm

Input: Environment digital model, starting point, and target point
(1) Initialize the cell
(2) If initialization is marked as 0, indicate that the grid has not been evaluated
(3) Else initialization is marked as 1, indicating that it is represented as a point on the path or impassable
(4) Create a container m_openList that holds the path node
(5) Add the starting point to the m_openList as the current node
(6) While (the current node is not the target point)
(7) View the current node adjacent to passable child nodes
(8) If (there are child nodes in m_openList)
(9) There is a cross in the path, so remove the cross section
(10) Else if (child nodes exist passable)
(11) Calculate the value of the adjacent passable subpoint; see formula (13)
(12) Select the adjacent passable subpoint with the smallest value
(13) Add to the m_openList and use it as the current point of the path
(14) Else
(15) Return the previous node and select the minimum value among the remaining child nodes
(16) Falling back to the starting point means that no path has been found
(17) Return failed to find a way
(18) Return m_openList
(19) Traverse the nodes on the path to get path information
(20) Calculate the estimated passing time of the path by using formulas (9) and (10)
Output: The path from the starting point to the target point