Research Article

LDPCD: A Novel Method for Locally Differentially Private Community Detection

Algorithm 1

The implementation of truncated Laplace mechanism on the user side
Input: user i’s adjacent bit vector , the division of the group where user i is located , the truncated interval length given by the server , privacy budget
Output: perturbed degree vector of user i under the grouping
(1)Calculate the true degree vector based on and ;
(2)Generate and corresponding to and , respectively, according to , which is and ;
(3)Find and in and , respectively, to satisfy that and ;
(4)Set or , or , or , respectively;
(5)if and then
(6) Randomly chose a truncated range between and (let ) with equal probability, then perturb within it;
(7)With , calculate and according to equations (7)–(10);
(8)Calculate , ;
(9)for do
(10) Calculate ;
(11)Sample a value according to the output probability of each integer in and assign it to the perturbed degree ;
(12)Obtain the final perturbed degree vector .