Research Article

Investigations of CNN for Medical Image Analysis for Illness Prediction

Algorithm 1

Median filter algorithm on an image.
Let I be image
Let W be window
iw is the width of window
ih is the height of window
is the width of window
h is the height of window
xe is the edge of x
ye is the edge of y
allot outputPixels[iw][ih]
allot window[][h]
for x from xe to iw - xe
 for y from ye to ih - ye
i = 0
 for fx = 0 to
  for fv = 0 to h
   w[i] = inputPixel[x + fx-xe][y + fv + ye]
    i = i+1
  end for
 end for
 outputPixels[x][y] = window[wwwh/2]
 end for
end for