Research Article

[Retracted] Arabic Speech Analysis for Classification and Prediction of Mental Illness due to Depression Using Deep Learning

Table 1

Architecture of proposed hybrid model.


Conv1D1(Nil, 202, 32)128
Max pool 1(Nil, 101, 32)0
Conv1D2(Nil, 101, 64)6,208
Max pool 2(Nil, 50, 64)0
Conv1D3(Nil, 50, 64)12,352
Max pool 3(Nil, 25, 64)0
Dropout(Nil, 25, 64)0
Flatten(Nil, 1,600)0
Dense 1(Nil, 128)204,928Used for SVM
Dense 2(Nil, 1)129
Total params: 223,745
Trainable params: 223,745