Research Article

Alpha-Fetoprotein as a Predictive Marker for Patients with Hepatitis B-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Table 1

Characteristic comparisons between subgroups.

VariablesTransplant-free survival group ()Deceased and transplanted group () value

Age, y41.83 (12.37)50.31 (13.10)0.002
Male , %33 (82.50%)42 (80.77%)0.832
Total bilirubin#, μmol/L261.89 (86.98–496.59)386.55 (137.45–723.22)<0.001
AFP#, ng/ml148.80 (8.50–2375.30)43.21 (1.10–1495.80)<0.001
INR#1.83 (1.50–4.31)2.21 (1.51–5.70)0.001

AFP, alpha-fetoprotein; INR, international normalized ratio; normally distributed continuous variable; #not normally distributed continuous variable.