Research Article

Association between Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Elastographic Parameters of Liver Steatosis and Fibrosis: Controlled Attenuation Parameter and Liver Stiffness Measurements

Table 2

Prevalence of outcomes, gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett’s esophagus, hiatal hernia, and insufficient cardia, among subjects divided by stages of liver fibrosis (ranges F1 to F4).

F1 (n = 663)F2 (n = 133)F3 (n = 36)F4 (n = 105)

GERD, n (%)190 (28.66)43 (32.33)15 (41.67)36 (34.29)
BE, n (%)7 (1.06)7 (1.50)2 (5.56)3 (2.86)
HH, n (%)274 (41.33)57 (42.86)19 (52.78)52 (49.52)
INSUF, n (%)313 (47.21)60 (45.11)21 (58.33)51 (48.57)
F1-2 (n = 796)F2-4 (n = 274)F3-4 (n = 141)
GERD, n (%)233 (29.27)94 (34.31)51 (36.17)
BE, n (%)9 (1.13)7 (2.55)5 (3.55)
HH, n (%)331 (41.58)128 (46.72)71 (50.35)
INSUF, n (%)373 (46.86)132 (48.18)72 (51.06)
F1-2 vs. F3-4 valueF1 vs. F2-4 value

GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease; BE: Barrett’s esophagus; HH: hiatal hernia; INSUF: insufficient cardia.