
Acute bacterial cellulitis is a common infection seen by family physicians; it is usually caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci and/or Staphylococcus aureus. Cellulitis following bite wound injuries from animals and humans requires antibiotics directed at the mouth microflora characteristic of the biting animal. Depending on the severity and the rapidity of the progression of the infection, as well as patient compliance with oral therapy, intravenous antibiotics may be required for treatment, and this may often be accomplished with an outpatient administration program. In addition to intravenous and subsequent oral step-down antibiotic therapy, special attention needs to be applied to reducing or eliminating predisposing factors such as pre-existent edema and local fungi, or other forms of dermatitis. With effective antibiotic therapy, the erythema generated by acute cellulitis may resolve quickly or slowly, but usually does so progressively. Patients with persistent skin inflammation and swelling must be examined carefully for subcutaneous abscess formation.