Research Article

Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Associated with Acute Gastroenteritis in Children from Soriano, Uruguay

Table 2

Clinical findings as related to etiology of diarrhea.

Children with single identified pathogen1 ()Children without identified pathogen1 ()
aEPEC ()EIEC ()STEC ()Virus2 ()

Children with
Watery diarrhea6 (60%)10 (76, 9%)7 (13.2%)
Semiliquid diarrhea28 (52.8%)
Bloody diarrhea3 (30%)1 (33.3%)1 (100%)
Mucoid stools1 (10%)2 (66.6%)3 (23.1%)18 (34%)
Abdominal pain4 (40%)2 (66.6%)1 (100%)6 (46.2%)6 (11.3%)
Fever2 (20%)2 (66.6%)1 (100%)5 (35.5%)5 (9.4%)
Vomiting1 (10%)6 (46.2%)7 (13.2%)
Fecal leucocytes31 (10%)2 (66.6%)

1No child was vaccinated against rotavirus at the time of entering to the study; 2considering together: rotavirus in 10 children and adenovirus in 3; 3significant presence of fecal leucocytes (++ or +++). —, no child showed those conditions.